Basic Info
Address: Amrita Nagar Post | Ettimadai | pincode 641112
City: Coimbatore
District: Coimbatore
State: Tamil Nadu
Year of Establishment: 1994
Year of Declaration as University: 2003
Type: Deemed University-Private
Offshore Centers: 0
Foreign Students
Girls Exclusive
Distant Mode
Rating 3.40/4.00
Faculty of Engineering
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Faculty of Arts, Media and Commerce
Faculty of Management
Faculty of Medical Sciences
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Inter-Disciplinary Studies
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Amrita School of Engineering, Amritapuri
Department of Cyber Security & Systems Networks, Amrita School of Engineering, Amritapuri
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Amrita School of Engineering, Amritapuri
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Amrita School of Engineering, Bangalore
Department of Amrita Centre for Industrial Research and Innovation, Amrita School of Engineering, Coimbatore
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Amrita School of Engineering, Coimbatore
Department of Robotics and Automation, Amrita School of Engineering, Amritapuri
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Amrita School of Engineering, Amritapuri
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Amrita School of Engineering, Coimbatore
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Amrita School of Engineering, Coimbatore
Department of Computational Engineering and Networking, Amrita School of Engineering, Coimbatore
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Amrita School of Engineering, Bangalore
Department of Civil Engineering, Amrita School of Engineering, Coimbatore
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Amrita School of Engineering, Amritapuri
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Amrita School of Engineering, Bangalore
Department of Wireless Networks & Applications, Amrita School of Engineering, Amritapuri
Department of Cyber Security, Amrita School of Engineering, Coimbatore
Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Amrita School of Engineering, Coimbatore
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Amrita School of Engineering, Coimbatore
Department of Nanosciences and Molecular Medicine, Amrita Centre for Nanosciences, Kochi
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Amrita School of Engineering, Bangalore
Department of Aerospace Engineering, Amrita School of Engineering, Coimbatore
Department of Civil Engineering, Amrita School of Engineering, Chennai
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Amrita School of Engineering, Chennai
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Amrita School of Engineering, Chennai
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Amrita School of Engineering, Chennai
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Amrita School of Engineering, Chennai
Department of English and Humanities, Amrita School of Engineering, Coimbatore
Department of Social Work, Amrita School of Engineering, Coimbatore
Department of Cultural Education, Amrita School of Engineering, Coimbatore
Department of Physical Education, Amrita School of Engineering, Coimbatore
Department of Corporate and Industry Relations, Amrita School of Engineering, Coimbatore
Department of Library, Amrita School of Engineering, Coimbatore
Department of English, Amrita School of Engineering, Amritapuri
Amritadharshanam Centre, Amritapuri
Department of English, Amrita School of Arts and Sciences, Amritapuri
Department of Corporate and Industry Relations, Amrita School of Engineering, Amritapuri
Department of Social Work, Amrita School of Arts and Sciences, Amritapuri
Amritadharshanam, Amrita School of Engineering, Bangalore
Department of Education, Amrita School of Arts and Sciences, Mysore
Department of English and Languages,Amrita School of Arts and Sciences, Kochi
Department of Corporate and Industry Relations, Amrita School of Arts and Sciences, Kochi
Department of Languages, Amrita School of Arts and Sciences, Mysore
Department of Library, Amrita School of Arts and Sciences, Mysore
Department of Cultural Education & India Studies, Amrita School of Arts and Sciences, Kochi
Department of Corporate and Industry Relations, Amrita School of Arts and Sciences, Mysore
Amrita Darshanam (ICSS), Amrita School of Engineering, Chennai
Department of English, Amrita School of Engineering, Chennai
Department of Physical Education, Amrita School of Engineering, Chennai
Department of English, Amrita School of Engineering, Bangalore
Department of Corporate and Industry Relations, Amrita School of Engineering, Bangalore
Department of Communication, Amrita School of Engineering, Coimbatore
Department of Commerce and Management, Amrita School of Arts and Sciences, Amritapuri
Department of Commerce and Management, Amrita School of Arts and Sciences, Kochi
Department of Visual Media and Communication, Amrita School of Arts and Sciences, Kochi
Department of Commerce and Management, Amrita School of Arts and Sciences, Mysore
Department of Visual Media and Communication, Amrita School of Arts and Sciences, Mysore
Department of Management, Bangalore
Department of Management, Kochi
Department of Management, Amritapuri
Amrita School of Business, Coimbatore
Department of Allied Health Sciences, Amrita School of Medicine, Kochi
Department of Anaesthesiology, Amrita School of Medicine, Kochi
Department of Anatomy, Amrita School of Medicine, Kochi
Department of Audiology & Speech Language Pathology, Amrita School of Medicine, Kochi
Department of Biochemistry, Amrita School of Medicine, Kochi
Department of Biostatistics, Amrita School of Medicine, Kochi
Department of Cardiac Anaesthesia, Amrita School of Medicine, Kochi
Department of Cardio Vascular Thoracic Surgery, Amrita School of Medicine, Kochi
Department of Cardiology, Amrita School of Medicine, Kochi
Department of Clinical Psychology, Amrita School of Medicine, Kochi
Department of Community Medicine, Amrita School of Medicine, Kochi
Department of Dermatology, Amrita School of Medicine, Kochi
Department of Emergency Medicine, Amrita School of Medicine, Kochi
Department of Endocrinology, Amrita School of Medicine, Kochi
Department of ENT, Amrita School of Medicine, Kochi
Department of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, Amrita School of Medicine, Kochi
Department of Gastroenterology, Amrita School of Medicine, Kochi
Department of Gastro-Intestinal Surgery, Amrita School of Medicine, Kochi
Department of General Medicine, Amrita School of Medicine, Kochi
Department of General Surgery, Amrita School of Medicine, Kochi
Department of Geriatrics, Amrita School of Medicine, Kochi
Department of Gynaecological Oncology, Amrita School of Medicine, Kochi
Department of Head & Neck Surgery & Oncology, Amrita School of Medicine, Kochi
Department of Hospital Administration, Amrita School of Medicine, Kochi
Department of Medical Oncology, Amrita School of Medicine, Kochi
Department of Medical Physics and Radiation Safety, Amrita School of Medicine, Kochi
Department of Microbiology, Amrita School of Medicine, Kochi
Department of Nephrology, Amrita School of Medicine, Kochi
Department of Neurology, Amrita School of Medicine, Kochi
Department of Neurosurgery, Amrita School of Medicine, Kochi
Department of Nuclear Medicine, Amrita School of Medicine, Kochi
Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Amrita School of Medicine, Kochi
Department of Ophthalmology, Amrita School of Medicine, Kochi
Department of Orthopaedics, Amrita School of Medicine, Kochi
Department of Paediatric Cardiology, Amrita School of Medicine, Kochi
Department of Paediatric Neurology, Amrita School of Medicine, Kochi
Department of Paediatric Surgery, Amrita School of Medicine, Ko
Department of Paediatrics & Clinical Genetics, Amrita School of Medicine, Kochi
Department of Paediatrics, Amrita School of Medicine, Kochi
Department of Pain & Palliative Medicine, Amrita School of Medicine, Kochi
Department of Pathology, Amrita School of Medicine, Kochi
Department of Pharmacology, Amrita School of Medicine, Kochi
Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Amrita School of Medicine, Kochi
Department of Physiology, Amrita School of Medicine, Kochi
Department of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, Amrita School of Medicine, Kochi
Department of Psychiatry, Amrita School of Medicine, Kochi
Department of Public Health, Amrita School of Medicine, Kochi
Department of Pulmonary Medicine, Amrita School of Medicine, Kochi
Department of Radiodiagnosis, Amrita School of Medicine, Kochi
Department of Radiotherapy, Amrita School of Medicine, Kochi
Department of Reproductive Medicine, Amrita School of Medicine, Kochi
Department of Respiratory Medicine, Amrita School of Medicine, Kochi
Department of Rheumatology, Amrita School of Medicine, Kochi
Department of Stroke Medicine, Amrita School of Medicine, Kochi
Department of Urology, Amrita School of Medicine, Kochi
Department of Child Health Nursing, Amrita College of Nursing, Kochi
Department of Community Health Nursing, Amrita College of Nursing, Kochi
Department of Medical Surgical Nursing, Amrita College of Nursing, Kochi
Department of Mental Health Nursing, Amrita College of Nursing, Kochi
Department of Obstetrical & Gynecological Nursing, Amrita College of Nursing, Kochi
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Amrita School of Pharmacy, Kochi
Department of Pharmaceutics, Amrita School of Pharmacy, Kochi
Department of Pharmacognosy, Amrita School of Pharmacy, Kochi
Department of Pharmacology, Amrita School of Pharmacy, Kochi
Department of Pharmacy Practice, Amrita School of Pharmacy, Kochi
Department of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics, Amrita School of Dentistry, Kochi
Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Amrita School of Dentistry, Kochi
Department of Oral Medicine & Radiology, Amrita School of Dentistry, Kochi
Department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology, Amrita School of Dentistry, Kochi
Department of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics, Amrita School of Dentistry, Kochi
Department of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry, Amrita School of Dentistry, Kochi
Department of Periodontology, Amrita School of Dentistry, Kochi
Department of Prosthodontics and Crown & Bridge, Amrita School of Dentistry, Kochi
Department of Public Health Dentistry, Amrita School of Dentistry, Kochi
Department of Agada Tantra & Vidhi Ayurved, Amrita School of Ayurveda, Amritapuri
Department of Dravyaguna, Amrita School of Ayurveda, Amritapuri
Department of Kaumara Bhritya, Amrita School of Ayurveda, Amritapuri
Department of Kayachikitsa, Amrita School of Ayurveda, Amritapuri
Department of Kriya Shareer, Amrita School of Ayurveda, Amritapuri
Department of Panchakarma, Amrita School of Ayurveda, Amritapuri
Department of Prasuti Tantra & Stri Roga, Amrita School of Ayurveda, Amritapuri
Department of Rachana Shareer, Amrita School of Ayurveda, Amritapuri
Department of Rasashastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana, Amrita School of Ayurveda, Amritapuri
Department of Roga Nidan, Amrita School of Ayurveda, Amritapuri
Department of Samhita, Sanskrit & Siddhanta, Amrita School of Ayurveda, Amritapuri
Department of Shalakya Tantra, Amrita School of Ayurveda, Amritapuri
Department of Shalya Tantra, Amrita School of Ayurveda, Amritapuri
Department of Swastha Vritta, Amrita School of Ayurveda, Amritapuri
Department of Sciences, Amrita School of Engineering, Coimbatore
Department of Mathematics, Amrita School of Engineering, Coimbatore
Department of Centre for Environmental Studies, Amrita School of Engineering, Coimbatore
Department of Chemistry, Amrita School Engineering, Amritapuri
Department of Physics, Amrita School Engineering, Amritapuri
Department of Mathematics, Amrita School Engineering, Amritapuri
Department of Chemistry, Amrita School of Arts and Sciences, Amritapuri
Department of Physics, Amrita School of Arts and Sciences, Amritapuri
Department of Mathematics, Amrita School of Arts and Sciences, Amritapuri
Department of Computer Science and Applications, Amrita School of Engineering, Amritapuri
Department of Biotechnology, Amrita School of Biotechnology, Amritapuri
Department of Chemistry, Amrita School of Engineering, Bangalore
Department of Physics, Amrita School of Engineering, Bangalore
Department of Mathematics, Amrita School of Engineering, Bangalore
Department of Computer Science and IT, Amrita School of Arts and Sciences, Kochi
Department of Mathematics, Amrita School of Arts and Sciences, Kochi
Department of Computer Science, Amrita School of Arts and Sciences, Mysore
Department of Sciences, Amrita School of Arts and Sciences, Mysore
Department of Agricultural Sciences, Amrita School of Agricultural Sciences, Coimbatore
Department of Mathematics, Amrita School of Engineering, Chennai
Department of Science, Amrita School of Engineering, Chennai
Inter-Disciplinary Studies
M.Tech. -Master of Technology-Embedded Systems (ASE, CBE)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Electrical Engineering |
Annual Intake: 30 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
B.Tech.-Bachelor of Technology-Civil Engineering (ASE, CBE)
Level: Under Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Civil Engineering |
Annual Intake: 60 |
Course Duration: 4.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
M.Tech. -Master of Technology-Robotics and Automation (ASE, AMR)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Electrical Engineering |
Annual Intake: 30 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
B.Tech.-Bachelor of Technology-Electronics and Communication Engineering (ASE, CBE)
Level: Under Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Electronics Engineering |
Annual Intake: 180 |
Course Duration: 4.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
Ph.D.-Doctor of Philosophy-Civil Engineering (ASE, CBE)
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Civil Engineering |
Annual Intake: 0 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Not Applicable |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
B.Tech.-Bachelor of Technology-Aerospace Engineering (ASE, CBE)
Level: Under Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Aeronautical Engineering |
Annual Intake: 60 |
Course Duration: 4.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
Ph.D.-Doctor of Philosophy-Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ASE, BLR)
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Electrical Engineering |
Annual Intake: 0 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Not Applicable |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
Ph.D.-Doctor of Philosophy-Electronics and Communication Engineering (ASE, CBE)
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Electronics Engineering |
Annual Intake: 0 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Not Applicable |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
M.Tech. -Master of Technology-Renewable Energy Technologies (ASE, CBE)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Electrical Engineering |
Annual Intake: 24 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
M.Tech. -Master of Technology-Nanotechnology and Renewable Energy (ACNS, Kochi)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Other Engineering & Technology |
Annual Intake: 30 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
Ph.D.-Doctor of Philosophy-Electronics and Communication Engineering (ASE, BLR)
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Electronics Engineering |
Annual Intake: 0 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Not Applicable |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
M.Tech. -Master of Technology-Manufacturing Engineering (ASE, CBE)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Mechanical Engineering |
Annual Intake: 30 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
M.Tech. -Master of Technology-Computer Science and Engineering (ASE, BLR)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Computer Engineering |
Annual Intake: 30 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
Ph.D.-Doctor of Philosophy-Electronics and Communication Engineering (ASE, AMR)
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Electronics Engineering |
Annual Intake: 0 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Not Applicable |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
M.Tech. -Master of Technology-Wireless Networks and Applications (ASE, AMR)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Computer Engineering |
Annual Intake: 24 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
B.Tech.-Bachelor of Technology-Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ASE, CBE)
Level: Under Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Electrical Engineering |
Annual Intake: 120 |
Course Duration: 4.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
M.Tech. -Master of Technology-Cyber Security (ASE, CBE)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Computer Engineering |
Annual Intake: 30 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
Ph.D.-Doctor of Philosophy-Computer Science and Engineering (ASE, CBE
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Computer Engineering |
Annual Intake: 0 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Not Applicable |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
M.Tech. -Master of Technology-Thermal Sciences and Energy Systems (ASE, BLR)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Mechanical Engineering |
Annual Intake: 24 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
Ph.D.-Doctor of Philosophy-Cyber Security (ASE, CBE)
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Computer Engineering |
Annual Intake: 0 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Not Applicable |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
Ph.D.-Doctor of Philosophy-Nanosciences (ACNS, Kochi)
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Other Engineering & Technology |
Annual Intake: 0 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Not Applicable |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
M.Tech. -Master of Technology-Cyber Security (ASE, AMR)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Computer Engineering |
Annual Intake: 30 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
B.Tech.-Bachelor of Technology-Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering (ASE, CBE)
Level: Under Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Electronics Engineering |
Annual Intake: 60 |
Course Duration: 4.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
Ph.D.-Doctor of Philosophy-Mechanical Engineering (ASE, AMR)
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Mechanical Engineering |
Annual Intake: 0 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Not Applicable |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
B.Tech.-Bachelor of Technology-Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering (ASE, BLR)
Level: Under Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Electronics Engineering |
Annual Intake: 60 |
Course Duration: 4.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
B.Tech.-Bachelor of Technology-Computer Science and Engineering (ASE, AMR)
Level: Under Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Computer Engineering |
Annual Intake: 120 |
Course Duration: 4.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
B.Tech.-Bachelor of Technology-Mechanical Engineering (ASE, CBE)
Level: Under Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Mechanical Engineering |
Annual Intake: 180 |
Course Duration: 4.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
Ph.D.-Doctor of Philosophy-Computer Science and Engineering (ASE, AMR)
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Computer Engineering |
Annual Intake: 0 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Not Applicable |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
M.Tech. -Master of Technology-Automotive Engineering (ASE, CBE)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Mechanical Engineering |
Annual Intake: 30 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
B.Tech.-Bachelor of Technology-Chemical Engineering (ASE, CBE)
Level: Under Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Chemical Engineering |
Annual Intake: 60 |
Course Duration: 4.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
M.Tech. -Master of Technology-Engineering Design (ASE, CBE)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Mechanical Engineering |
Annual Intake: 30 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
B.Tech.-Bachelor of Technology-Computer Science and Engineering (ASE, BLR)
Level: Under Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Computer Engineering |
Annual Intake: 120 |
Course Duration: 4.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
Ph.D.-Doctor of Philosophy-Mechanical Engineering (ASE, CBE)
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Mechanical Engineering |
Annual Intake: 0 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Not Applicable |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
M.Tech. -Master of Technology-VLSI Design (ASE, BLR)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Electronics Engineering |
Annual Intake: 30 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
M.Tech. -Master of Technology-VLSI Design (ASE, CBE)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Electronics Engineering |
Annual Intake: 30 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
M.Tech. -Master of Technology-Computer Science and Engineering Data Science (ASE, BLR)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Computer Engineering |
Annual Intake: 30 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
M.Tech. -Master of Technology-Computer Science and Engineering (ASE, CBE)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Computer Engineering |
Annual Intake: 30 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
M.Tech. -Master of Technology-Molecular Medicine (ACNS, Kochi)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Other Engineering & Technology |
Annual Intake: 30 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
M.Tech. -Master of Technology-Power Electronics (ASE, BLR)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Electrical Engineering |
Annual Intake: 24 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
Ph.D.-Doctor of Philosophy-Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ASE, CBE)
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Electrical Engineering |
Annual Intake: 0 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Not Applicable |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
M.Tech. -Master of Technology-VLSI Design (ASE, AMR)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Electronics Engineering |
Annual Intake: 24 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
M.Tech. -Master of Technology-Structural and Construction Engineering (ASE, CBE)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Civil Engineering |
Annual Intake: 25 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
M.Tech. -Master of Technology-Communication Engineering and Signal Processing (ASE, BLR)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Electronics Engineering |
Annual Intake: 24 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
Ph.D.-Doctor of Philosophy-Aerospace Engineering (ASE, CBE)
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Other Engineering & Technology |
Annual Intake: 0 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Not Applicable |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
B.Tech.-Bachelor of Technology-Mechanical Engineering (ASE, BLR)
Level: Under Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Mechanical Engineering |
Annual Intake: 120 |
Course Duration: 4.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
M.Tech. -Master of Technology-Communication Engineering and Signal Processing (ASE, CBE)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Electronics Engineering |
Annual Intake: 30 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
Ph.D.-Doctor of Philosophy-Chemical Engineering (ASE, CBE)
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Chemical Engineering |
Annual Intake: 0 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Not Applicable |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
M.Tech. -Master of Technology-Remote Sensing and Wireless Sensor Networks (ASE, CBE)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Computer Engineering |
Annual Intake: 30 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
M.Tech. -Master of Technology-Control and Instrumentation Engineering (ASE, CBE)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Electronics Engineering |
Annual Intake: 30 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
B.Tech.-Bachelor of Technology-Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ASE, BLR)
Level: Under Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Electrical Engineering |
Annual Intake: 60 |
Course Duration: 4.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
M.Tech. -Master of Technology-Biomedical Engineering (ASE, CBE)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Other Engineering & Technology |
Annual Intake: 30 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
Ph.D.-Doctor of Philosophy-Mechanical Engineering (ASE, BLR)
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Mechanical Engineering |
Annual Intake: 0 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Not Applicable |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
B.Tech.-Bachelor of Technology-Electronics and Communication Engineering (ASE, AMR)
Level: Under Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Electronics Engineering |
Annual Intake: 120 |
Course Duration: 4.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
M.Tech. -Master of Technology-Automotive Electronics (ASE, CBE)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Electronics Engineering |
Annual Intake: 30 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
Ph.D.-Doctor of Philosophy-Computational Engineering and Networking (ASE, CBE)
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Computer Engineering |
Annual Intake: 0 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Not Applicable |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
M.Tech. -Master of Technology-Power Electronics (ASE, CBE)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Electrical Engineering |
Annual Intake: 30 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
M.Tech. -Master of Technology-Computer Science and Engineering (ASE, AMR)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Computer Engineering |
Annual Intake: 24 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
Ph.D.-Doctor of Philosophy-Computer Science and Engineering (ASE, BLR)
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Computer Engineering |
Annual Intake: 0 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Not Applicable |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
M.Tech. -Master of Technology-Materials Science and Engineering (ASE, CBE)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Chemical Engineering |
Annual Intake: 30 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
Ph.D.-Doctor of Philosophy-Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ASE, AMR)
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Electrical Engineering |
Annual Intake: 0 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Not Applicable |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
M.Tech. -Master of Technology-Thermal and Fluid Engineering (ASE, AMR)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Mechanical Engineering |
Annual Intake: 24 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
B.Tech.-Bachelor of Technology-Computer Science and Engineering (ASE, CBE)
Level: Under Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Computer Engineering |
Annual Intake: 360 |
Course Duration: 4.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
B.Tech.-Bachelor of Technology-Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ASE, AMR)
Level: Under Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Electrical Engineering |
Annual Intake: 120 |
Course Duration: 4.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
M.Tech. -Master of Technology-Computational Engineering and Networking (ASE, CBE)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Computer Engineering |
Annual Intake: 30 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
B.Tech.-Bachelor of Technology-Mechanical Engineering (ASE, AMR)
Level: Under Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Mechanical Engineering |
Annual Intake: 120 |
Course Duration: 4.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
M.Tech. -Master of Technology-Power and Energy Engineering (ASE, AMR)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Electrical Engineering |
Annual Intake: 24 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
M.Tech. -Master of Technology-Nanomedical Sciences (ACNS, Kochi)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Other Engineering & Technology |
Annual Intake: 30 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
B.Tech.-Bachelor of Technology-Electronics and Communication Engineering (ASE, BLR)
Level: Under Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Electronics Engineering |
Annual Intake: 180 |
Course Duration: 4.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
M.Tech. -Master of Technology-Embedded Systems (ASE, BLR)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Electrical Engineering |
Annual Intake: 24 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
B.Tech.-Bachelor of Technology-Computer Science and Engineering (ASE, Chennai)
Level: Under Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Computer Engineering |
Annual Intake: 120 |
Course Duration: 4.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
B.Tech.-Bachelor of Technology-Electronics and Communication Engineering (ASE, Chennai)
Level: Under Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Electronics Engineering |
Annual Intake: 60 |
Course Duration: 4.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
B.Tech.-Bachelor of Technology-Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ASE, Chennai)
Level: Under Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Electrical Engineering |
Annual Intake: 60 |
Course Duration: 4.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
B.Tech.-Bachelor of Technology-Mechanical Engineering (ASE, Chennai)
Level: Under Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Mechanical Engineering |
Annual Intake: 60 |
Course Duration: 4.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
B.Tech.-Bachelor of Technology-Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (ASE, CBE)
Level: Under Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Computer Engineering |
Annual Intake: 60 |
Course Duration: 4.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
M.Tech. -Master of Technology-Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (ASE, CBE)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Computer Engineering |
Annual Intake: 30 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
B.Tech.-Bachelor of Technology-Electrical and Computer Engineering (ASE, CBE)
Level: Under Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Electrical Engineering |
Annual Intake: 60 |
Course Duration: 4.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
B.Tech.-Bachelor of Technology-Computer and Communication Engineering (ASE, CBE)
Level: Under Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Computer Engineering |
Annual Intake: 60 |
Course Duration: 4.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
M.Tech. -Master of Technology-Communication Systems (ASE, CBE)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Electronics Engineering |
Annual Intake: 30 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
M.Tech. -Master of Technology-Computational Engineering and Networking (Data Science) (ASE, CBE)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Computer Engineering |
Annual Intake: 30 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
M.Tech. -Master of Technology-Power Electronics and Drives (ASE, CBE)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Electrical Engineering |
Annual Intake: 30 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
B.Tech.-Bachelor of Technology-Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (ASE, AMR)
Level: Under Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Computer Engineering |
Annual Intake: 60 |
Course Duration: 4.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
B.Tech.-Bachelor of Technology-Electrical and Computer Engineering (ASE, AMR)
Level: Under Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Electrical Engineering |
Annual Intake: 60 |
Course Duration: 4.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
B.Tech.-Bachelor of Technology-Electronics and Computer Engineering (ASE, AMR)
Level: Under Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Electronics Engineering |
Annual Intake: 60 |
Course Duration: 4.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
M.Tech. -Master of Technology-Artificial Intelligence (ASE, AMR)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Computer Engineering |
Annual Intake: 30 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
M.Tech. -Master of Technology-Geoinformatics and Earth Observation (ASE, AMR)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Other Engineering & Technology |
Annual Intake: 30 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
M.Tech. -Master of Technology-Power and Energy (Smart Grids and Electric Vehicles) (ASE, AMR)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Electrical Engineering |
Annual Intake: 30 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
B.Tech.-Bachelor of Technology-Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (ASE, BLR)
Level: Under Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Computer Engineering |
Annual Intake: 60 |
Course Duration: 4.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
B.Tech.-Bachelor of Technology-Electronics and Computer Engineering (ASE, BLR)
Level: Under Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Electronics Engineering |
Annual Intake: 60 |
Course Duration: 4.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
M.Tech. -Master of Technology-Data Science (ASE, BLR)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Other Engineering & Technology |
Annual Intake: 30 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
M.Tech. -Master of Technology-Nanobiotechnology (ACNS, Kochi)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Other Engineering & Technology |
Annual Intake: 30 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
Ph.D.-Doctor of Philosophy-Civil (ASE, BLR)
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Civil Engineering |
Annual Intake: 0 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Not Applicable |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering |
M.Phil.-Master of Philosophy-English Language and Literature (ASAS, Kochi)
Level: M.Phil. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: English |
Annual Intake: 25 |
Course Duration: 1.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences |
M.A.-Master of Arts-English Literature and Literary Theory (ASE, CBE)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: English |
Annual Intake: 30 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences |
Ph.D.-Doctor of Philosophy-English Language and Literature(ASAS, AMR)
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: English |
Annual Intake: 0 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Not Applicable |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences |
M.A.-Master of Arts-Philosophy (ASAS, AMR)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Philosophy |
Annual Intake: 40 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences |
M.A.-Master of Arts-English Language and Literature(ASAS, AMR)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: English |
Annual Intake: 25 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences |
B.A.-Bachelor of Arts-English Language and Literature (ASE,CBE)
Level: Under Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Arts |
Annual Intake: 60 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences |
Ph.D.-Doctor of Philosophy-Spiritual Studies (ASAS, AMR)
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Philosophy |
Annual Intake: 0 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Not Applicable |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences |
Ph.D.-Doctor of Philosophy-English (ASAS, Kochi)
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: English |
Annual Intake: 0 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Not Applicable |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences |
Ph.D.-Doctor of Philosophy-English (ASAS, Mysore)
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: English |
Annual Intake: 0 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Not Applicable |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences |
M.A.-Master of Arts-English Language and Literature (ASAS, Kochi)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: English |
Annual Intake: 30 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences |
Ph.D.-Doctor of Philosophy-English (ASE, CBE)
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: English |
Annual Intake: 0 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Not Applicable |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences |
Integrated M.A.-Integrated Master of Arts-English Language and Literature (ASAS, Kochi)
Level: Integrated |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Other Social Science |
Annual Intake: 40 |
Course Duration: 5.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences |
Integrated M.A.-Integrated Master of Arts-English Language and Literature (ASAS, AMR)
Level: Integrated |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Other Social Science |
Annual Intake: 40 |
Course Duration: 5.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences |
B.Ed.-Bachelor of Education-Education (ASAS, Mysore)
Level: Under Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Education |
Annual Intake: 50 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences |
Ph.D.-Doctor of Philosophy-Education (ASAS, Mysore)
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Education |
Annual Intake: 0 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Not Applicable |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences |
M.S.W.-Master of Social Work-Social Work (ASE, CBE)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Social Work |
Annual Intake: 60 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences |
M.S.W.-Master of Social Work-Social Work (ASAS, AMR)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Social Work |
Annual Intake: 30 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences |
Ph.D.-Doctor of Philosophy-Social Work (ASAS, AMR)
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Social Work |
Annual Intake: 0 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Not Applicable |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences |
Ph.D.-Doctor of Philosophy-Social Work (ASE, CBE)
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Social Work |
Annual Intake: 0 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Not Applicable |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences |
Ph.D.-Doctor of Philosophy-Gender Equality (ASAS, AMR)
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Other Social Science |
Annual Intake: 0 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Not Applicable |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences |
B.Com.-Bachelor of Commerce-Commerce (ASAS, AMR)
Level: Under Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Commerce |
Annual Intake: 60 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Arts, Media and Commerce |
B.Com.-Bachelor of Commerce-Commerce(Finance and Information Technology) (ASAS, Kochi)
Level: Under Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Commerce |
Annual Intake: 50 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Arts, Media and Commerce |
B.B.M.-Bachelor of Business Management-Business Management (ASAS, Mysore)
Level: Under Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Business Management |
Annual Intake: 60 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Arts, Media and Commerce |
B.B.A.-Bachelor of Business Administration-Business Administration (ASAS, Mysore)
Level: Under Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Business Administration |
Annual Intake: 60 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Arts, Media and Commerce |
M.Com.-Master of Commerce-Commerce (Finance and Systems) (ASAS, Kochi)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Commerce |
Annual Intake: 40 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Arts, Media and Commerce |
B.B.A.-Bachelor of Business Administration-Business Administration (ASAS, Kochi)
Level: Under Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Business Administration |
Annual Intake: 50 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Arts, Media and Commerce |
M.Com.-Master of Commerce-Finance and Systems (ASAS, AMR)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Commerce |
Annual Intake: 30 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Arts, Media and Commerce |
B.B.A.-Bachelor of Business Administration-Logistics Management (ASAS, Kochi)
Level: Under Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Business Administration |
Annual Intake: 60 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Arts, Media and Commerce |
M.Phil.-Master of Philosophy-Commerce & Management (ASAS, Kochi)
Level: M.Phil. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Commerce |
Annual Intake: 25 |
Course Duration: 1.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Arts, Media and Commerce |
B.Com.-Bachelor of Commerce-Commerce(Taxation and Finance) (ASAS, Kochi)
Level: Under Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Commerce |
Annual Intake: 100 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Arts, Media and Commerce |
M.Com.-Master of Commerce-Commerce(Finance and Systems) (ASAS, Mysore)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Commerce |
Annual Intake: 40 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Arts, Media and Commerce |
Ph.D.-Doctor of Philosophy-Faculty of Arts, Media and Commerce (ASAS, Kochi)
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Commerce |
Annual Intake: 0 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Not Applicable |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Arts, Media and Commerce |
Ph.D.-Doctor of Philosophy-Commerce and Management (ASAS, Mysore)
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Commerce |
Annual Intake: 0 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Not Applicable |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Arts, Media and Commerce |
B.Com.-Bachelor of Commerce-Commerce (Taxation and Finance) (ASAS, Mysore)
Level: Under Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Commerce |
Annual Intake: 60 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Arts, Media and Commerce |
B.B.A.-Bachelor of Business Administration-Business Administration (ASAS, AMR)
Level: Under Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Business Administration |
Annual Intake: 60 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Arts, Media and Commerce |
B.Com.-Bachelor of Commerce-Commerce - Regular (ASAS, Mysore)
Level: Under Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Commerce |
Annual Intake: 60 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Arts, Media and Commerce |
Ph.D.-Doctor of Philosophy-Visual Media and Communication (ASAS, Kochi)
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Visual Arts |
Annual Intake: 0 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Not Applicable |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Arts, Media and Commerce |
Integrated M.Sc.-Integrated Master of Science-Visual Communication (ASAS, Mysore)
Level: Integrated |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Multi Media |
Annual Intake: 30 |
Course Duration: 5.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Arts, Media and Commerce |
B.A.-Bachelor of Arts-Mass Communication (ASE, CBE)
Level: Under Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Arts |
Annual Intake: 60 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Arts, Media and Commerce |
B.Sc.-Bachelor of Science-Visual Media (ASAS, Kochi)
Level: Under Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Multi Media |
Annual Intake: 60 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Arts, Media and Commerce |
M.F.A. -Master of Fine Arts-Digital Film Making (ASAS, Kochi)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Visual Arts |
Annual Intake: 20 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Arts, Media and Commerce |
M.A.-Master of Arts-Communication (ASE, CBE)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Journalism & Mass Communication |
Annual Intake: 40 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Arts, Media and Commerce |
M.Phil.-Master of Philosophy-Visual Media and Communication (ASAS, Kochi)
Level: M.Phil. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Journalism & Mass Communication |
Annual Intake: 25 |
Course Duration: 1.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Arts, Media and Commerce |
M.F.A. -Master of Fine Arts-Applied Art and Advertising (ASAS,Kochi)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Visual Arts |
Annual Intake: 20 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Arts, Media and Commerce |
M.A.-Master of Arts-Corporate Communication & Advertising (ASAS, Kochi)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Journalism & Mass Communication |
Annual Intake: 20 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Arts, Media and Commerce |
M.Sc.-Master of Science-Visual Communication (Digital Film Making) (ASAS, Mysore)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Multi Media |
Annual Intake: 40 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Arts, Media and Commerce |
M.J.M.C.-Master of Journalism and Mass Communication-Journalism and Mass Communication (ASAS, Kochi)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Journalism & Mass Communication |
Annual Intake: 40 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Arts, Media and Commerce |
M.F.A. -Master of Fine Arts-Animation and Content Management (ASAS, Kochi)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Visual Arts |
Annual Intake: 20 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Arts, Media and Commerce |
Ph.D.-Doctor of Philosophy-Communication (ASE, CBE)
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Journalism & Mass Communication |
Annual Intake: 0 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Not Applicable |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Arts, Media and Commerce |
B.F.A.-Bachelor of Fine Arts-Photography (ASAS, Kochi)
Level: Under Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Visual Arts |
Annual Intake: 20 |
Course Duration: 4.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Arts, Media and Commerce |
M.A.-Master of Arts-Visual Media and Communication (ASAS, Kochi)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Journalism & Mass Communication |
Annual Intake: 40 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Arts, Media and Commerce |
PG Diploma-Post Graduate Diploma-Journalism (ASE, CBE)
Level: PG Diploma |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Journalism & Mass Communication |
Annual Intake: 40 |
Course Duration: 1.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Arts, Media and Commerce |
B.Sc.-Bachelor of Science-Visual Media (ASAS, Mysore)
Level: Under Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Multi Media |
Annual Intake: 50 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Arts, Media and Commerce |
Ph.D.-Doctor of Philosophy-Visual Media and Communication (ASAS, Mysore)
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Visual Arts |
Annual Intake: 0 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Not Applicable |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Arts, Media and Commerce |
M.A.-Master of Arts-Visual Media and Communication (ASAS, Mysore)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Journalism & Mass Communication |
Annual Intake: 15 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Arts, Media and Commerce |
M.Phil.-Master of Philosophy-Commerce and Management (Part Time) (ASAS, Kochi)
Level: M.Phil. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Commerce |
Annual Intake: 10 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Arts, Media and Commerce |
M.Phil.-Master of Philosophy-Visual Media and Communication (Part Time) (ASAS, Kochi)
Level: M.Phil. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Journalism & Mass Communication |
Annual Intake: 10 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Arts, Media and Commerce |
M.B.A.- Master of Business Administration-Master of Business Administration (BLR)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Business Administration |
Annual Intake: 60 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Tri-Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: Department of Management, Bangalore |
Faculty: Faculty of Management |
M.B.A.- Master of Business Administration-Executive - Master of Business Administration (BLR)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Business Administration |
Annual Intake: 40 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Tri-Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: Department of Management, Bangalore |
Faculty: Faculty of Management |
M.B.A.- Master of Business Administration-Master of Business Administration (Kochi)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Business Administration |
Annual Intake: 60 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Tri-Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: Department of Management, Kochi |
Faculty: Faculty of Management |
M.B.A.- Master of Business Administration-Master of Business Administration (AMR)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Business Administration |
Annual Intake: 60 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Tri-Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: Department of Management, Amritapuri |
Faculty: Faculty of Management |
M.B.A.- Master of Business Administration-Business Administration (ASB, CBE)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Business Administration |
Annual Intake: 120 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Tri-Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Management |
Ph.D.-Doctor of Philosophy-Business Management (ASB, CBE)
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Business Management |
Annual Intake: 0 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Not Applicable |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Management |
B.Sc.(Nursing)-Bachelor of Science in Nursing-Nursing (ACN, Kochi)
Level: Under Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Nursing |
Annual Intake: 100 |
Course Duration: 4.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
M.Sc. Nursing-Master of Science in Nursing-Obstetric and Gynecologic Nursing (ACN, Kochi)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Nursing |
Annual Intake: 5 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
M.Sc. Nursing-Master of Science in Nursing-Medical Surgical Nursing (ACN, Kochi)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Nursing |
Annual Intake: 17 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
M.Sc.-Master of Science-Medical Laboratory Technology - Biochemistry (ASM, Kochi)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Bio-Chemistry |
Annual Intake: 4 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
M.Sc.-Master of Science-Neuro Electro Physiology (ASM, Kochi)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Neurology |
Annual Intake: 4 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 6.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
Diploma-Diploma-Medical Radio Diagnosis - D.MRD (ASM, Kochi)
Level: Diploma |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Radiology |
Annual Intake: 1 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
M.Ch.-Master of Chirurgiae-Urology (ASM, Kochi)
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Urology |
Annual Intake: 3 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
M.Sc.-Master of Science-Biostatistics (ASM, Kochi)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: General Medicine |
Annual Intake: 5 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
Diploma-Diploma-Ophthalmology (DO) (ASM, Kochi)
Level: Diploma |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Ophthalmology |
Annual Intake: 2 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
M.S.-Master of Surgery-Otorhinolaryngology (ASM, Kochi)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: ENT |
Annual Intake: 3 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
D.M.-Doctor of Medicine-Endocrinology (ASM, Kochi)
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Endocrinology |
Annual Intake: 3 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
M.D.-Doctor of Medicine-Community Medicine (ASM, Kochi)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: General Medicine |
Annual Intake: 2 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
M.S.-Master of Surgery-Ophthalmology (ASM, Kochi)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Ophthalmology |
Annual Intake: 4 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
B.Sc.-Bachelor of Science-Cardio Vascular Technology (ASM, Kochi)
Level: Under Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Medical Science |
Annual Intake: 6 |
Course Duration: 4.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
M.Ch.-Master of Chirurgiae-Gynaecological Oncology (ASM, Kochi)
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Oncology |
Annual Intake: 2 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
M.D.-Doctor of Medicine-General Medicine (ASM, Kochi)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: General Medicine |
Annual Intake: 8 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
M.Ch.-Master of Chirurgiae-Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery (ASM, Kochi)
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Plastic Surgery |
Annual Intake: 2 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
M.Sc.-Master of Science-Diabetes Sciences (ASM, Kochi)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Medical Science |
Annual Intake: 4 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
D.M.-Doctor of Medicine-Nephrology (ASM, Kochi)
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Nephrology |
Annual Intake: 3 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
M.Ch.-Master of Chirurgiae-G I Surgery (ASM, Kochi)
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Gastroenterology |
Annual Intake: 4 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
M.S.-Master of Surgery-Orthopedics (ASM, Kochi)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Orthopaedics |
Annual Intake: 2 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
M.D.-Doctor of Medicine-Dermatology, Venerology and Leprosy (ASM, Kochi)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Dermatology |
Annual Intake: 2 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
M.S.-Master of Surgery-General Surgery (ASM, Kochi)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: General Surgery |
Annual Intake: 6 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
M.Ch.-Master of Chirurgiae-Head and Neck Surgery (ASM, Kochi)
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Endocrinology |
Annual Intake: 2 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
M.D.-Doctor of Medicine-Emergency Medicine (ASM, Kochi)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: General Medicine |
Annual Intake: 2 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
M.D.-Doctor of Medicine-Radio Diagnosis (ASM, Kochi)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Radiology |
Annual Intake: 9 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
M.D.-Doctor of Medicine-Biochemistry (ASM, Kochi)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Bio-Chemistry |
Annual Intake: 2 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
Diploma-Diploma-Obstetrics & Gynecology (DGO) (ASM, Kochi)
Level: Diploma |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Gynaecology |
Annual Intake: 2 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
M.D.-Doctor of Medicine-Pathology (ASM, Kochi)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Pathology |
Annual Intake: 5 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
M.Sc.-Master of Science-Clinical Nurition and Foods Science (ASM, Kochi)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: General Medicine |
Annual Intake: 10 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 6.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
M.S.-Master of Surgery-Obstetrics and Gynecology (ASM, Kochi)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Gynaecology |
Annual Intake: 3 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
Diploma-Diploma-Medical Radio-Therapy - DMRT (ASM, Kochi)
Level: Diploma |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Radiothrapy |
Annual Intake: 1 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
M.Ch.-Master of Chirurgiae-Peadiatric Surgery (ASM, Kochi)
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Pediatrics |
Annual Intake: 1 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
M.B.B.S.-Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery-Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (ASM, Kochi)
Level: Under Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: General Medicine |
Annual Intake: 100 |
Course Duration: 5.0 years - 6.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
M.P.H. -Master of Public Health-Master of Public Health (ASM, Kochi)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Public Health |
Annual Intake: 25 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
M.Sc.-Master of Science-Medical Laboratory Technology- Pathology (ASM, Kochi)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Pathology |
Annual Intake: 4 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
M.Ch.-Master of Chirurgiae-Reproductive Medicine (ASM, Kochi)
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Oncology |
Annual Intake: 2 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
D.M.-Doctor of Medicine-Cardiac Anesthesia (ASM, Kochi)
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Anesthesiology |
Annual Intake: 2 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
B.Sc.-Bachelor of Science-Cardiac Perfusion Technology (ASM, Kochi)
Level: Under Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Medical Science |
Annual Intake: 7 |
Course Duration: 4.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
B.Sc.-Bachelor of Science-Physician Assistant (ASM, Kochi)
Level: Under Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Medical Science |
Annual Intake: 10 |
Course Duration: 4.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
M.D.-Doctor of Medicine-Anesthesiology (ASM, Kochi)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Anesthesiology |
Annual Intake: 11 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
M.Sc.-Master of Science-Deglutology and Swallowing Therapy (ASM, Kochi)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Other Medical Science |
Annual Intake: 6 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
Diploma-Diploma-Dermatology, Venerology and Leprosy - D.D.V.L. (ASM, Kochi)
Level: Diploma |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Dermatology |
Annual Intake: 1 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
B.Sc.-Bachelor of Science-Respiratory Therapy (ASM, Kochi)
Level: Under Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Medical Science |
Annual Intake: 10 |
Course Duration: 4.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
D.M.-Doctor of Medicine-Paediatric Cardiology (ASM, Kochi)
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Pediatrics |
Annual Intake: 2 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
M.Ch.-Master of Chirurgiae-Cardio Vascular & Thorasic Surgery (ASM, Kochi)
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Cardiology |
Annual Intake: 2 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
B.Sc.-Bachelor of Science-Emergency Medical Technology (ASM, Kochi)
Level: Under Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Medical Science |
Annual Intake: 10 |
Course Duration: 4.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
PG Diploma-Post Graduate Diploma-Medical Radiological Sciences (ASM, Kochi)
Level: PG Diploma |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Radiology |
Annual Intake: 8 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
M.D.-Doctor of Medicine-Paediatrics (ASM, Kochi)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Pediatrics |
Annual Intake: 2 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
M.Sc.-Master of Science-Medical Laboratory Technology - Microbiology (ASM, Kochi)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Microbiology |
Annual Intake: 4 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
M.D.-Doctor of Medicine-Geriatrics (ASM, Kochi)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: General Medicine |
Annual Intake: 1 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
M.Ch.-Master of Chirurgiae-Neuro Surgery (ASM, Kochi)
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Neurology |
Annual Intake: 2 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
B.Sc.-Bachelor of Science-Neuro Electro Physiology (ASM, Kochi)
Level: Under Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Medical Science |
Annual Intake: 6 |
Course Duration: 4.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
M.H.A. -Master of Hospital Administration-Hospital Administration (ASM, Kochi)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Hospital Administration |
Annual Intake: 35 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
B.A.S.L.P.-Bachelor of Audiology and Speech Language Pathology-Bachelor of Audiology and Speech Language Pathology (ASM, Kochi)
Level: Under Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Pathology |
Annual Intake: 25 |
Course Duration: 4.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
D.M.-Doctor of Medicine-Neurology (ASM, Kochi)
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Neurology |
Annual Intake: 2 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
B.Sc.-Bachelor of Science-Echocardiography Technology (ASM, Kochi)
Level: Under Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Medical Science |
Annual Intake: 4 |
Course Duration: 4.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
Diploma-Diploma-Child Health -D.CH (ASM, Kochi)
Level: Diploma |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Pediatrics |
Annual Intake: 2 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
M.D.-Doctor of Medicine-Radio-Therapy (ASM, Kochi)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Radiothrapy |
Annual Intake: 2 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
M.D.-Doctor of Medicine-Nuclear Medicine (ASM, Kochi)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Nuclear Medicine |
Annual Intake: 2 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
D.M.-Doctor of Medicine-Medical Gastroenterology (ASM, Kochi)
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Gastroenterology |
Annual Intake: 2 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
M.Phil.-Master of Philosophy-Clinical Psychology (ASM, Kochi)
Level: M.Phil. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Physiology |
Annual Intake: 6 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
D.M.-Doctor of Medicine-Medical Oncology (ASM, Kochi)
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Oncology |
Annual Intake: 2 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
Diploma-Diploma-Oto-Rhino Layngology (DLO) (ASM, Kochi)
Level: Diploma |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: ENT |
Annual Intake: 1 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
M.D.-Doctor of Medicine-Microbiology (ASM, Kochi)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Microbiology |
Annual Intake: 2 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
D.M.-Doctor of Medicine-Cardiology (ASM, Kochi)
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Cardiology |
Annual Intake: 5 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
D.M.-Doctor of Medicine-Pulmonary Medicine (ASM, Kochi)
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Other Medical Science |
Annual Intake: 2 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
D.M.-Doctor of Medicine-Rheumatology (ASM, Kochi)
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: General Medicine |
Annual Intake: 2 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
B.Sc.-Bachelor of Science-Dialysis Therapy (ASM, Kochi)
Level: Under Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Medical Science |
Annual Intake: 5 |
Course Duration: 4.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
B.Sc.-Bachelor of Science-Optometry (ASM, Kochi)
Level: Under Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Medical Science |
Annual Intake: 10 |
Course Duration: 4.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
B.Sc.-Bachelor of Science-Diabetes Sciences (ASM, Kochi)
Level: Under Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Medical Science |
Annual Intake: 4 |
Course Duration: 4.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
M.Phil.-Master of Philosophy-Hospital Administration (ASM, Kohi)
Level: M.Phil. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Hospital Administration |
Annual Intake: 3 |
Course Duration: 1.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
M.D.-Doctor of Medicine-Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation (ASM, Kochi)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: General Medicine |
Annual Intake: 1 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
M.D.-Doctor of Medicine-Respiratory Medicine (ASM, Kochi)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: General Medicine |
Annual Intake: 1 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
Diploma-Diploma-Psychological Medicine - D.PM (ASM, Kochi)
Level: Diploma |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Psychiatry |
Annual Intake: 1 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
B.Sc.-Bachelor of Science-Medical Radiologic Technology (ASM, Kochi)
Level: Under Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Medical Science |
Annual Intake: 15 |
Course Duration: 4.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
M.Sc.-Master of Science-Respiratory Therapy (ASM, Kochi)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Other Medical Science |
Annual Intake: 2 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
B.Sc.-Bachelor of Science-Anaesthesia Technology (ASM, Kochi)
Level: Under Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Medical Science |
Annual Intake: 6 |
Course Duration: 4.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
M.D.-Doctor of Medicine-Psychiatry (ASM, Kochi)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Psychiatry |
Annual Intake: 2 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
M.D.-Doctor of Medicine-Forensic Medicine (ASM, Kochi)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Forensic Medicine/ Toxicology |
Annual Intake: 2 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
B.Sc.-Bachelor of Science-Medical Laboratory Technology (ASM, Kochi)
Level: Under Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Medical Science |
Annual Intake: 15 |
Course Duration: 4.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
M.D.S.-Master of Dental Surgery-Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics (ASD, Kochi)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Dentistry |
Annual Intake: 3 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
M.D.S.-Master of Dental Surgery-Prosthodontics and Crown & Bridge (ASD, Kochi)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Dentistry |
Annual Intake: 5 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
M.D.S.-Master of Dental Surgery-Public Health Dentistry (ASD, Kochi)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Dentistry |
Annual Intake: 2 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
M.D.S.-Master of Dental Surgery-Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics (ASD, Kochi)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Dentistry |
Annual Intake: 5 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
Diploma-Diploma-Dental Mechanics (ASD, Kochi)
Level: Diploma |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Dentistry |
Annual Intake: 10 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
M.D.S.-Master of Dental Surgery-Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry (ASD, Kochi)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Dentistry |
Annual Intake: 3 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
M.D.S.-Master of Dental Surgery-Oral Pathology & Microbiology (ASD, Kochi)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Dentistry |
Annual Intake: 2 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
Ph.D.-Doctor of Philosophy-Dentistry (ACNS, Kochi)
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Dentistry |
Annual Intake: 0 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Not Applicable |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
M.D.S.-Master of Dental Surgery-Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery (ASD, Kochi)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Dentistry |
Annual Intake: 2 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
M.D.S.-Master of Dental Surgery-Periodontology (ASD, Kochi)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Dentistry |
Annual Intake: 5 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
M.D.S.-Master of Dental Surgery-Oral Medicine & Radiology (ASD, Kochi)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Dentistry |
Annual Intake: 2 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
B.D.S.-Bachelor of Dental Surgery-Dentistry (ASD, Kochi)
Level: Under Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Dentistry |
Annual Intake: 60 |
Course Duration: 5.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
M.D.-Doctor of Medicine-MD in Dravyaguna Vigyana (ASA, AMR)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Ayurveda |
Annual Intake: 4 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
Ph.D.-Doctor of Philosophy-Ayurveda (ASA, AMR)
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Ayurveda |
Annual Intake: 0 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Not Applicable |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
M.S.-Master of Surgery-MS in Prasuti Tantra & Streeroga (ASA, AMR)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Other Medical Science |
Annual Intake: 4 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
M.D.-Doctor of Medicine-MD in Kayachikitsa (ASA, AMR)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Ayurveda |
Annual Intake: 4 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
M.D.-Doctor of Medicine-MD in Rasashastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana (ASA, AMR)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Ayurveda |
Annual Intake: 6 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
M.D.-Doctor of Medicine-MD in Swasthavritta (ASA, AMR)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Ayurveda |
Annual Intake: 4 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
M.D.-Doctor of Medicine-MD in Panchakarma (ASA, AMR)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Ayurveda |
Annual Intake: 4 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
M.S.-Master of Surgery-MS in Shalya Tantra (Samanya) (ASA, AMR)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Other Medical Science |
Annual Intake: 4 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
M.D.-Doctor of Medicine-MD in Ayurveda Samhita (ASA, AMR)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Ayurveda |
Annual Intake: 4 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
M.S.-Master of Surgery-MS in Shalakya Tantra (Netra Roga Vigyana) (ASA, AMR)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Other Medical Science |
Annual Intake: 4 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
B.A.M.S.-Bachelor of Ayurved Medicine & Surgery-Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (ASA, AMR)
Level: Under Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Ayurveda |
Annual Intake: 60 |
Course Duration: 5.0 years - 6.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
M.Pharm. -Master of Pharmacy-Pharmacology (ASP, Kochi)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Pharmacy |
Annual Intake: 12 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
Pharm.D.-Doctor of Pharmacy-Pharm.D(Regular) (ASP, Kochi)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Pharmacy |
Annual Intake: 30 |
Course Duration: 6.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
M.Pharm. -Master of Pharmacy-Pharmaceutical Chemistry (ASP, Kochi)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Pharmacy |
Annual Intake: 12 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
B.Pharm.-Bachelor of Pharmacy-Pharmacy (ASP, Kochi)
Level: Under Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Pharmacy |
Annual Intake: 60 |
Course Duration: 4.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
M.Pharm. -Master of Pharmacy-Pharmaceutics (ASP, Kochi)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Pharmacy |
Annual Intake: 15 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
M.Pharm. -Master of Pharmacy-Pharmacy Practice (ASP, Kochi)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Pharmacy |
Annual Intake: 12 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
Pharm.D.-Doctor of Pharmacy-Pharm.D Post Baccalaureate (ASP, Kochi)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Pharmacy |
Annual Intake: 10 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
B.Sc.-Bachelor of Science-Intensive Care Technology (ASM, Kochi)
Level: Under Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Medical Science |
Annual Intake: 10 |
Course Duration: 4.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
B.Sc.-Bachelor of Science-Operation Theatre Technology (ASM, Kochi)
Level: Under Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Medical Science |
Annual Intake: 10 |
Course Duration: 4.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
M.D.-Doctor of Medicine-Pharmacology (ASM, Kochi)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Pharmacy |
Annual Intake: 2 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
M.D.-Doctor of Medicine-Radiation and Oncology (ASM, Kochi)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Oncology |
Annual Intake: 3 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
D.M.-Doctor of Medicine-Paediatric Neurology (ASM, Kochi)
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Neurology |
Annual Intake: 2 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
Ph.D.-Doctor of Philosophy-Medical Sciences (ASM, Kochi)
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: General Medicine |
Annual Intake: 0 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Not Applicable |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
Ph.D.-Doctor of Philosophy-Pharmacy (ASP, Kochi)
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Pharmacy |
Annual Intake: 0 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Not Applicable |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Medical Sciences |
Integrated M.C.A.-Integrated Master of Computer Applications-Computer Applications (ASAS, Kochi)
Level: Integrated |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Computer Application |
Annual Intake: 140 |
Course Duration: 5.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Science |
M.C.A. -Master of Computer Applications-Master of Computer Applications (ASAS, Kochi
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Computer Application |
Annual Intake: 60 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Science |
M.Sc.-Master of Science-Molecular Medicine (ACNS, Kochi)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Medical Science |
Annual Intake: 15 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Science |
M.Sc.-Master of Science-Nanomedical Sciences (ACNS, Kochi)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Medical Science |
Annual Intake: 10 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Science |
M.C.A. -Master of Computer Applications-Master of Computer Applications (ASAS, Mysore)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Computer Application |
Annual Intake: 60 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Science |
M.C.A. -Master of Computer Applications-Master of Computer Applications (ASE, AMR)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Computer Application |
Annual Intake: 60 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Science |
M.Sc.-Master of Science-Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ACNS, Kochi)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Medical Science |
Annual Intake: 10 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Science |
Integrated M.C.A.-Integrated Master of Computer Applications-Computer Applications- Integrated (ASAS, Mysore)
Level: Integrated |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Computer Application |
Annual Intake: 60 |
Course Duration: 5.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Science |
Ph.D.-Doctor of Philosophy-Computer Science (ASAS, Mysore)
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Computer Science |
Annual Intake: 0 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Not Applicable |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Science |
M.Sc.-Master of Science-Chemistry (ASAS, AMR)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Chemistry |
Annual Intake: 30 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Science |
M.Sc.-Master of Science-Mathematics (ASE, CBE)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Mathematics |
Annual Intake: 30 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Science |
Integrated M.Sc.-Integrated Master of Science-Mathematics (ASAS, AMR)
Level: Integrated |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Mathematics |
Annual Intake: 40 |
Course Duration: 5.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Science |
Ph.D.-Doctor of Philosophy-Computer Science and IT (ASAS, Kochi)
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Computer Science |
Annual Intake: 0 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Not Applicable |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Science |
B.C.A.-Bachelor of Computer Applications-Computer Applications (ASAS, AMR)
Level: Under Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Computer Application |
Annual Intake: 60 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Science |
B.Sc.-Bachelor of Science-Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science (ASAS, Mysore)
Level: Under Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Science |
Annual Intake: 40 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Science |
Integrated M.Sc.-Integrated Master of Science-Mathematics (ASAS, Kochi)
Level: Integrated |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Mathematics |
Annual Intake: 60 |
Course Duration: 5.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Science |
Ph.D.-Doctor of Philosophy-Physics (ASAS, AMR)
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Physics |
Annual Intake: 0 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Not Applicable |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Science |
Ph.D.-Doctor of Philosophy-Chemistry (ASAS, AMR)
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Chemistry |
Annual Intake: 0 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Not Applicable |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Science |
M.Sc.-Master of Science-Biotechnology (ASBT, AMR)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Bio-Technology |
Annual Intake: 40 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Science |
Ph.D.-Doctor of Philosophy-Physics (ASE, CBE)
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Physics |
Annual Intake: 0 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Not Applicable |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Science |
M.Sc.-Master of Science-Chemistry (ASE, CBE)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Chemistry |
Annual Intake: 30 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Science |
B.C.A.-Bachelor of Computer Applications-Computer Applications (ASAS, Mysore)
Level: Under Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Computer Application |
Annual Intake: 120 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Science |
Integrated M.Sc.-Integrated Master of Science-Physics (ASAS, AMR)
Level: Integrated |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Physics |
Annual Intake: 40 |
Course Duration: 5.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Science |
B.Sc.-Bachelor of Science-Microbiology (ASBT,AMR)
Level: Under Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Science |
Annual Intake: 60 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Science |
Integrated M.Sc.-Integrated Master of Science-Data Science (ASE, CBE)
Level: Integrated |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Mathematics |
Annual Intake: 60 |
Course Duration: 5.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Science |
Ph.D.-Doctor of Philosophy-Mathematics (ASE, BLR)
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Mathematics |
Annual Intake: 0 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Not Applicable |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Science |
Ph.D.-Doctor of Philosophy-Chemistry (ASE, BLR)
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Chemistry |
Annual Intake: 0 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Not Applicable |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Science |
M.Sc.-Master of Science-Mathematics (ASAS, Kochi)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Mathematics |
Annual Intake: 30 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Science |
Integrated M.Sc.-Integrated Master of Science-Physics (ASE, CBE)
Level: Integrated |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Physics |
Annual Intake: 40 |
Course Duration: 5.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Science |
M.Sc.-Master of Science-Mathematics (ASAS, AMR)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Mathematics |
Annual Intake: 30 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Science |
Integrated M.Sc.-Integrated Master of Science-Chemistry (ASE, CBE)
Level: Integrated |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Chemistry |
Annual Intake: 40 |
Course Duration: 5.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Science |
M.Sc.-Master of Science-Microbiology (ASBT, AMR)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Microbiology |
Annual Intake: 40 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Science |
B.C.A.-Bachelor of Computer Applications-Computer Application (ASAS, Kochi)
Level: Under Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Computer Application |
Annual Intake: 0 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Science |
Ph.D.-Doctor of Philosophy-Mathematics (ASAS, AMR)
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Mathematics |
Annual Intake: 0 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Not Applicable |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Science |
M.Sc.-Master of Science-Physics (ASAS, AMR)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Physics |
Annual Intake: 30 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Science |
M.Sc.-Master of Science-Applied Statistics & Data Analytics (ASE, CBE)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Mathematics |
Annual Intake: 30 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Science |
M.Phil.-Master of Philosophy-Compuer Science (ASAS, Kochi)
Level: M.Phil. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Computer Science |
Annual Intake: 25 |
Course Duration: 1.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Science |
Ph.D.-Doctor of Philosophy-Environmental Science (ASE, CBE)
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Environmental Science |
Annual Intake: 0 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Not Applicable |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Science |
M.Sc.-Master of Science-Physics (ASE, CBE)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Physics |
Annual Intake: 30 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Science |
B.Sc.-Bachelor of Science-Biotechnology (ASBT, AMR)
Level: Under Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Science |
Annual Intake: 120 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Science |
Integrated M.Sc.-Integrated Master of Science-Chemistry (ASAS, AMR)
Level: Integrated |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Chemistry |
Annual Intake: 40 |
Course Duration: 5.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Science |
Ph.D.-Doctor of Philosophy-Physics (ASE, BLR)
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Physics |
Annual Intake: 0 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Not Applicable |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Science |
Ph.D.-Doctor of Philosophy-Mathematics (ASE, CBE)
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Mathematics |
Annual Intake: 0 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Not Applicable |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Science |
Ph.D.-Doctor of Philosophy-Chemistry (ASE, CBE)
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Chemistry |
Annual Intake: 0 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Not Applicable |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Science |
Ph.D.-Doctor of Philosophy-Mathematics (ASAS, Kochi)
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Mathematics |
Annual Intake: 0 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Not Applicable |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Science |
M.Phil.-Master of Philosophy-Mathematics (ASAS, Kochi)
Level: M.Phil. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Mathematics |
Annual Intake: 20 |
Course Duration: 1.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Science |
Ph.D.-Doctor of Philosophy-Bioinformatics (ASBT, AMR)
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Bio-Technology |
Annual Intake: 0 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Not Applicable |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Science |
Ph.D.-Doctor of Philosophy-Biotechnology (ASBT, AMR)
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Bio-Technology |
Annual Intake: 0 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Not Applicable |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Science |
M.Sc.-Master of Science-Bioinformatics (ASBT, AMR)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Bio-Technology |
Annual Intake: 40 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Science |
Integrated M.Sc.-Integrated Master of Science-Mathematics (ASE, CBE)
Level: Integrated |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Mathematics |
Annual Intake: 40 |
Course Duration: 5.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Science |
B.Sc.-Bachelor of Science-Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics (ASAS, Mysore)
Level: Under Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Science |
Annual Intake: 50 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Science |
B.Sc.(Hons)-Bachelor of Science (Honors)-Agriculture (AS-Agri.Sc.)
Level: Under Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Other Science |
Annual Intake: 120 |
Course Duration: 4.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Science |
M.Sc.-Master of Science-Nano Biotechnology (ACNS, Kochi)
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Bio-Technology |
Annual Intake: 15 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Science |
M.Phil.-Master of Philosophy-Computer Science and IT - (Part Time) (ASAS, Kochi)
Level: M.Phil. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Computer Science |
Annual Intake: 10 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Science |
M.Phil.-Master of Philosophy-Mathematics (Part Time) (ASAS, Kochi)
Level: M.Phil. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Mathematics |
Annual Intake: 10 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Science |
Ph.D.-Doctor of Philosophy-Interdisciplinary (ASE,CBE)
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Music |
Annual Intake: 0 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Not Applicable |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: Faculty of Inter-Disciplinary Studies |
M.Pharm. -Master of Pharmacy-Pharmacology
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Pharmacy |
Annual Intake: 12 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: Pharmacy Council of India |
Approving University: Nirma University, Ahmedabad |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: N/A |
M.Pharm. -Master of Pharmacy-Pharmaceutics
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Pharmacy |
Annual Intake: 15 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: Pharmacy Council of India |
Approving University: Nirma University, Ahmedabad |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: N/A |
M.Pharm. -Master of Pharmacy-Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Pharmacy |
Annual Intake: 15 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: Pharmacy Council of India |
Approving University: Nirma University, Ahmedabad |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: N/A |
M.Pharm. -Master of Pharmacy-Regulatory Affairs
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Pharmacy |
Annual Intake: 12 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: Pharmacy Council of India |
Approving University: Nirma University, Ahmedabad |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: N/A |
Ph.D.-Doctor of Philosophy-Pharmacy (Full-Time)
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Pharmacy |
Annual Intake: 4 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: Nirma University, Ahmedabad |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: N/A |
M.Pharm. -Master of Pharmacy-Pharmaceutical Analysis
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Pharmacy |
Annual Intake: 15 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: Pharmacy Council of India |
Approving University: Nirma University, Ahmedabad |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: N/A |
B.Pharm.-Bachelor of Pharmacy-Pharmacy
Level: Under Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Pharmacy |
Annual Intake: 119 |
Course Duration: 4.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: Pharmacy Council of India |
Approving University: Nirma University, Ahmedabad |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: N/A |
Ph.D.-Doctor of Philosophy-Pharmacy (Part-time)
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Pharmacy |
Annual Intake: 1 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Semester |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: Nirma University, Ahmedabad |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: N/A |
Campus Area: 947 Acres
Built-Up Area: 816969 Square Meters
9 Available |
9 Available |
9 Available |
9 Available |
354 Available |
Conference Hall
9 Available |
Health Center
6 Available |
Fitness Center
9 Available |
Indoor Stadium
7 Available |
Common Room
9 Available |
Computer Center
9 Available |
9 Available |
Guest House
9 Available |
Separate rooms for Girls
9 Available |
Solar Power Generation
Available |
National Knowledge Network Connectivity
Available |
NME-ICT Connectivity
Available |
323906 |
49108 |
Campus Friendly
Yes |
Grievance Redressal Mechanism
Available |
Vigilance cell
Available |
Opportunity cell
Available |
Hostels and Quarters
Staff Quarters
Student Hostels
43 Hostel(s)
Staff Quarters
Teaching Staff: 143 | Non Teaching Staff: 70 | Total Staff: 213
List of Hostels
Hostel : Vrindavan - Kochi Campus
Intake Capacity: 315 |
Type: Girls Hostel |
Hostel : Vyasa Bhavan - Mysore Campus
Intake Capacity: 268 |
Type: Boys Hostel |
Hostel : Gokulam - Kochi Campus
Intake Capacity: 1000 |
Type: Girls Hostel |
Hostel : Shivam - Amritapuri Campus
Intake Capacity: 268 |
Type: Boys Hostel |
Hostel : Yashodha Block - Bangalore Campus
Intake Capacity: 250 |
Type: Girls Hostel |
Hostel : Devaki Block - Bangalore Campus
Intake Capacity: 350 |
Type: Girls Hostel |
Hostel : Govardhan Block - Bangalore Campus
Intake Capacity: 252 |
Type: Boys Hostel |
Hostel : Brindavan Block - Bangalore Campus
Intake Capacity: 154 |
Type: Boys Hostel |
Hostel : Dhanush - Kochi Campus
Intake Capacity: 300 |
Type: Boys Hostel |
Hostel : Anugraham - Amritapuri Campus
Intake Capacity: 240 |
Type: Boys Hostel |
Hostel : Prasadam - Amritapuri Campus
Intake Capacity: 260 |
Type: Boys Hostel |
Hostel : Agasthya Bhavanam - Coimbatore Campus
Intake Capacity: 636 |
Type: Boys Hostel |
Hostel : Vasista Bhavanam - Coimbatore Campus
Intake Capacity: 1108 |
Type: Boys Hostel |
Hostel : Yamuna - Amritapuri Campus
Intake Capacity: 195 |
Type: Girls Hostel |
Hostel : Gokul Block - Bangalore Campus
Intake Capacity: 220 |
Type: Boys Hostel |
Hostel : Prahlada Bhavan - Amritapuri Campus
Intake Capacity: 376 |
Type: Boys Hostel |
Hostel : Kailasam - Kochi Campus
Intake Capacity: 200 |
Type: Boys Hostel |
Hostel : Gargi Bhavanam - Coimbatore Campus
Intake Capacity: 776 |
Type: Girls Hostel |
Hostel : Vaikuntam - Kochi Campus
Intake Capacity: 200 |
Type: Boys Hostel |
Hostel : Saraswathi - Amritapuri Campus
Intake Capacity: 284 |
Type: Girls Hostel |
Hostel : Mathura Block - Bangalore Campus
Intake Capacity: 1500 |
Type: Boys Hostel |
Hostel : Kaveri - Amritapuri Campus
Intake Capacity: 208 |
Type: Girls Hostel |
Hostel : Mythreyi Bhavanam - Coimbatore Campus
Intake Capacity: 1064 |
Type: Girls Hostel |
Hostel : Amritakshari - Sahyadri- Amritapuri Campus
Intake Capacity: 116 |
Type: Boys Hostel |
Hostel : Sanadhanam - Amritapuri Campus
Intake Capacity: 80 |
Type: Boys Hostel |
Hostel : Yagnavalkia Bhavanam Annexe - Coimbatore Campus
Intake Capacity: 440 |
Type: Boys Hostel |
Hostel : Kailash - Amritapuri Campus
Intake Capacity: 168 |
Type: Boys Hostel |
Hostel : Yagnavalkia Bhavanam - Coimbatore Campus
Intake Capacity: 608 |
Type: Boys Hostel |
Hostel : Pranavam - Amritapuri Campus
Intake Capacity: 260 |
Type: Boys Hostel |
Hostel : Nachikethas Bhavanam - Coimbatore Campus
Intake Capacity: 264 |
Type: Boys Hostel |
Hostel : Gowthama Bhavanam - Coimbatore Campus
Intake Capacity: 627 |
Type: Boys Hostel |
Hostel : Boys Hostel - Amritapuri Campus
Intake Capacity: 90 |
Type: Boys Hostel |
Hostel : Nila - Amritapuri Campus
Intake Capacity: 280 |
Type: Girls Hostel |
Hostel : Dwaraka - Kochi Campus
Intake Capacity: 1000 |
Type: Girls Hostel |
Hostel : Ashokam - Amritapuri Campus
Intake Capacity: 166 |
Type: Boys Hostel |
Hostel : Shri Vyasa Maharsishi Bhavanam - Coimbatore Campus
Intake Capacity: 384 |
Type: Boys Hostel |
Hostel : Ashram Hostel - Kochi Campus
Intake Capacity: 360 |
Type: Boys Hostel |
Hostel : Girls Hostel - Amritapuri Campus
Intake Capacity: 380 |
Type: Girls Hostel |
Hostel : Ganga - Amritapuri Campus
Intake Capacity: 195 |
Type: Girls Hostel |
Hostel : Gargi Bhavan - Mysore Campus
Intake Capacity: 460 |
Type: Girls Hostel |
Hostel : Arsham - Amritapuri Campus
Intake Capacity: 120 |
Type: Girls Hostel |
Hostel : Aitareya Bhavan - Chennai Campus
Intake Capacity: 366 |
Type: Boys Hostel |
Hostel : Kaushitaki Bhavan - Chennai Campus
Intake Capacity: 114 |
Type: Girls Hostel |
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