National Law institute University Company Law Certificate Course 2022

Updated on February 10, 2022, 11:41 pm
National Law institute University, Bhopal invites application for admission in Company Law Certificate Course 2022

Location:: Bhopal | Madhya Pradesh

Level:: | Certificate Level

Offered Programmes

Course: Certificate course in Company Law

Eligibility Criteria: The course is designed for stakeholders interested in acquiring professional knowledge and practical skills in the area of Company Law. Anyone who is pursuing any Degree or has a Degree in any discipline shall be eligible to peruse this Certificate Course. The minimum pre-requisite for undertaking the Certificate Course is access to the Internet and a Computer system with good audio & video facility. The Certificate Course shall be of great value and importance to candidates from the following fields:  Academicians;  Researchers;  UG and PG Students;  Company Stakeholders;  Members of various Enforcement agencies; and  Advocates;

Course Duration:Six Weeks
Fee:Rs. 3,000/-

Admission Procedures

For more details, please visit the official website:
Selection Criteria

For more details, please visit the official website:
Key Dates

Course starts from: