Andhra University Engineering Entrance Test (AUEET) - Updates

Andhra University Engineering Entrance Test (AUEET) are the gateway to the get admission into B.Tech + M.Tech . dual degree programme in CSE, EEE, ECE in Civil and Mechanical with the EXIT in the 4th year the Courses offered are 1. B. Engg. Aircraft Engineering 2. B. Tech. Electro - Mechanical 3. B. Tech Chemical 4. B. Tech Electronics Engineering.
Speciality: | Engineering And Technology |
Level: | Under Graduate | Post Graduate |
Conducted by:

Participating Institutes

Important Events & Dates


Submission of Online Application Starts from


Last date for submission of online Applications


Last Date for submission of online Applications with late fee of Rs.750/-


Downloading Hall-Tickets from website


Date of Entrance Test


Date of Publication of Results