WBJEEB Joint Entrance For Lateral Entry (JELET) - Scoring Methodology

✓Category 1:-
a) Only one option is correct.
b) Correct response will yield 1 (one) mark for each question.
c) Incorrect response will yield -1/4 (25% negative) marks for each question.
d) For any combination of more than one option, even if it contains the correct option, the said answer will be treated as incorrect and will yield -¼ (negative ¼) marks.
e) Not attempting the question will fetch zero mark.

✓Category 2:-
a) One or more options is/are correct.
b) Marking all correct options only will yield 2 (two) marks.
c) For any combination of answers containing one or more incorrect options, the said answer will be treated as incorrect, and it will yield zero (0) mark even if one or more of the chosen options is/are correct.
d) For partially correct answers, i.e., when all correct options are not marked and also no incorrect options are marked, marks awarded = 2 × (no of correct options marked) / (total no of actually correct options).
e) Not attempting the question will fetch 0 marks